Minggu, 20 Juli 2008

Speaking Of Careers in Music� Recording Engineer, What's That About?

Known as Recording Engineers, Sound Engineers or Audio Engineers� this is your desired title, and the �who�s you� of professions. Your on your way to becoming partly responsible for possibly some of the most explosive music in existence! Actually, you could be partly responsible for some of the most interesting commercials and/or movies also. (depending on what directions and opportunities you pursue)

So how does it work? Well before any recording is done, the producer, artists and YOU will discuss the �desired sound� of the recordings. This may be done to some extent before the project is started or may be specific to certain tracks after the project has begun.

Here�s what you�ll most likely be in for. (this is just an example of many) It�s 6:00� PM! You arrive at the studio and start setting up the equipment and instruments needed for the upcoming� 12 HOUR session! You�re 1 to 2 hours earlier then everyone else. It�s your job to have the studio ready for recording before the music artists and producer arrives.

Finally, the recording party arrives and recording begins. The engineer is responsible for working the track board, computers and other technologies to achieve the �desired sound� earlier discussed by the recording party. That�s basically what goes on during sessions.

In addition the engineer is responsible for mastering the recordings usually after the session is over. This is often overseen by the producer. Basically the engineer will �balance� the recordings to sound consistent to listening. To elaborate� often when recording, the artists may not sound exactly as you would hear when listening to a finished album. Sometimes the vocals may be a little louder then the music or visa versa. It�s the engineer�s job to smooth the recordings out. An engineer may also add certain sound effects to a project to reach the �desired sound�, sometimes an echo here or synthesized vocals there, etc. It�s the engineer�s job to polish the recordings to what ever extent. Finally, the engineer will break down the equipment and instruments when the session is over.

So how do you find yourself in the studio recording some of the biggest names in showbiz?

Nowadays it starts with schooling. You will need vast knowledge of computers and recording equipment. From there expect to be an intern or assistant engineer. Through time and experience you will be trusted to engineer on you own and obtain some of the most valuable connections in entertainment. Have Fun!

Now getting back to your computer, right now your cursor is blinking at the end of the words: careers in music recording engineer�

Hit Enter!

Dave Weston is a music industry entrepreneur, song writer and music artist affiliate. He is also the author of the Insider Music Careers Guide. You can learn more about music industry careers at http://www.music-career-guide.com